Mission statement
Inspiring volunteerism by promoting the visibility and creating awareness of non-profits.
Vision statement
Create a future where volunteer service is a core value for all those that can serve.
Inspiring volunteerism by promoting the visibility and creating awareness of non-profits.
Vision statement
Create a future where volunteer service is a core value for all those that can serve.
What is Volunteer Owensboro?
We connect the great people of our community to the great nonprofits that serve it.
How do we do that? Education - Inspiration - Connection
⁃ A website that list over 70 places to volunteer
⁃ Group Volunteering
⁃ Public Service Announcement (PSAs) for local radio stations
⁃ Project Volunteer TV series that broadcast nation wide
⁃ Volunteer Owensboro radio interviews on Cromwell Media and Panther Radio
⁃ Promotional Videos for nonprofits
⁃ Club Volunteer
⁃ Social Media post and live streaming to promote events and volunteering needs
⁃ Email Newsletter
- Surprising Heroes - honoring local volunteers
All of this is free to the community and the nonprofits that serve it. We save our nonprofit partners thousands of dollars each year in promotion and help provide much needed volunteers.
How do we do this?
Your donation and sponsors help us to help them.
Venmo @volunteerowensboro
PayPal [email protected]
Mail check to: Volunteer Owensboro PO Box 250 Philpot KY 42366
Please consider making a tax deductible donation to Volunteer Owensboro today so we can continue all of our free services we offer to our local non-profits and our community.
We connect the great people of our community to the great nonprofits that serve it.
How do we do that? Education - Inspiration - Connection
⁃ A website that list over 70 places to volunteer
⁃ Group Volunteering
⁃ Public Service Announcement (PSAs) for local radio stations
⁃ Project Volunteer TV series that broadcast nation wide
⁃ Volunteer Owensboro radio interviews on Cromwell Media and Panther Radio
⁃ Promotional Videos for nonprofits
⁃ Club Volunteer
⁃ Social Media post and live streaming to promote events and volunteering needs
⁃ Email Newsletter
- Surprising Heroes - honoring local volunteers
All of this is free to the community and the nonprofits that serve it. We save our nonprofit partners thousands of dollars each year in promotion and help provide much needed volunteers.
How do we do this?
Your donation and sponsors help us to help them.
Venmo @volunteerowensboro
PayPal [email protected]
Mail check to: Volunteer Owensboro PO Box 250 Philpot KY 42366
Please consider making a tax deductible donation to Volunteer Owensboro today so we can continue all of our free services we offer to our local non-profits and our community.
Our Story and Mission - from Co-Founder Randy Lanham
In 2007, Wayne Morris and I started to volunteer at different non-profits in the area with our musical abilities, and one of those was Hospice of Western KY. We often went in to nursing homes; visited patients of Hospice, and offered to play music for them. During one of the first visits we made, we walked into the room of a lady who was on our list of patients to visit.
The lady was laying on the bead with a blank stair at the wall. We humbly introduced ourselves and ask if she would like to hear some music, but there was no reply. There also happened to be a janitor in the room cleaning, and she was quick to let us know that “She has not responded to anyone or anything in weeks”. As I turned to walk out the door, Wayne said “No Randy let’s don’t leave, lets play a few songs”. I thought he was crazy, but I went along with him just the same. As we started to play Amazing Grace for our first song, the lady started to come around and started looking up at us. As we sang throughout the song, she slowly sat up in her bead and started to sing along with us. By the end of the song, she was singing every word with perfect pitch.
When we finished the song, I asked her through teary eye’s if she would like to hear more, and she said “Yes, I would love that”. We ended up playing several songs as she sang along and cried while she held my hand.
That was a moment that ROCKED my world. I really felt God using me in a great way and that I was His instrument for a moment. From that day, God started opening my eye’s to many of the needs in the world, especially right here in our own community. I felt him telling me that there are a lot of great people that could do a lot of good, but they are not getting connected to where they are needed. That’s when we started Help Someone Inc. The mission was simple: “Connect people with opportunities where they can serve”. God has given us the privilege to serve him by helping others in need and it is our hope to connect people who are willing to serve to the needs that exist.
~ Randy Lanham – Founder, Helpsomeone.us
The lady was laying on the bead with a blank stair at the wall. We humbly introduced ourselves and ask if she would like to hear some music, but there was no reply. There also happened to be a janitor in the room cleaning, and she was quick to let us know that “She has not responded to anyone or anything in weeks”. As I turned to walk out the door, Wayne said “No Randy let’s don’t leave, lets play a few songs”. I thought he was crazy, but I went along with him just the same. As we started to play Amazing Grace for our first song, the lady started to come around and started looking up at us. As we sang throughout the song, she slowly sat up in her bead and started to sing along with us. By the end of the song, she was singing every word with perfect pitch.
When we finished the song, I asked her through teary eye’s if she would like to hear more, and she said “Yes, I would love that”. We ended up playing several songs as she sang along and cried while she held my hand.
That was a moment that ROCKED my world. I really felt God using me in a great way and that I was His instrument for a moment. From that day, God started opening my eye’s to many of the needs in the world, especially right here in our own community. I felt him telling me that there are a lot of great people that could do a lot of good, but they are not getting connected to where they are needed. That’s when we started Help Someone Inc. The mission was simple: “Connect people with opportunities where they can serve”. God has given us the privilege to serve him by helping others in need and it is our hope to connect people who are willing to serve to the needs that exist.
~ Randy Lanham – Founder, Helpsomeone.us
Our Board of Directors
Randy Lanham - Executive Director
Teresa Wills - President
Chris Joslin - Vic-President
Erica Wade - Secretary
Todd Thompson - Treasurer
Daniel White - Board Member
Steve Boling - Board Member
Steve Wills - Board Member
Brian Basham - Board Member
Teresa Wills - President
Chris Joslin - Vic-President
Erica Wade - Secretary
Todd Thompson - Treasurer
Daniel White - Board Member
Steve Boling - Board Member
Steve Wills - Board Member
Brian Basham - Board Member